Virginia's Geospatial Extension Program

Mapping with Drones (aka Drone Bootcamp!)
Is a statewide
initiative that provides professional development for almost any
audience (educators, public sector lc local and state government
employees, private sector employees, and other nonprofit employees)
representing a diverse range of industries (agriculture, public safety,
engineering, natural resource management, transportation, planning,
health, etc.). Workshops are conducted either virtually or face to
face. This professional development opportunity has provided over 150
individuals with the knowledge to safely and legally operate an sUAS to
support data collection using an array of sensors. The workshop covers
the regulatory environment, flight planning, flight operations, data
collection, sensor options, and an introduction to both fixed wing and
rotor-based sUAS.
The Virginia Geospatial Extension Program, in partnership with the Virginia Space Grant Consortium, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the Virginia Community College System, and other partnering 2-year college institutions, has development an extensive track planning and providing training and workforce development for educators across Virginia, and other mid-Atlantic states. Various projects have received continuous funding, through a completive proposal review process, through the National Science Foundation since 2007. Through GeoTEd-UAS, project partners will develop coursework for geospatial technologies and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Faculty workforce development opportunities will be provided for 2-year college faculty, dual enrollment teachers, and Extension educators.
VirginiaView is a statewide program that supports the delivery of remote sensing data and technologies in support of applied research, K-16 education, workforce development, and technology transfer. VirginiaView funding has historically supported data dissemination and the development and delivery of geospatial educational initiatives across Virginia.
- Developing and Diversifying the Geospatial and Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technician Workforce (GeoTEd-UAS). National Science Foundation (Virginia Space Grant Consortium flow through). 2020 – 2023. (PI).
- sUAS Online Training Module Development through VirginiaView MiniGrant. AmericaView, Inc. 2020. (PI).
- Mapping with Drones: Professional Development for Virginia Cooperative Extension. 2019-2020. (PI).
- Geospatial Education Technician – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (GeoTEd-UAS). National Science Foundation. 2016-2021. (PI).
- sUAS Academic Capacity Building through Professional / Academic Program Development, Old Dominion University Research Foundation. (PI).
- Identifying challenges and opportunities to adopting sUAS innovative technologies to support cattle and other livestock operations in SWV. 2017-2018. (PI)]
- Assessing the Effects of Micro-UAV for Monitoring Wintering Duck Populations, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior. 2016-2018. (Co-PI)
- GeoHub Database Development, University of New Hampshire / eXtension, 2016-2017. (PI).
- Completing NBCI Habitat Surveys for Bobwhite Quail in Virginia, VA Department of Game & Inland Fisheries. (Co-PI).
- UAS Operations Technician Education, Old Dominion University Research Foundation, National Science Foundation, 2017 – present (PI).
- Demonstration project to assess the feasibility of using small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) technology to monitor conservation easements. 2018. (PI).
- Targeted Development of the Virginia Tech Urban Forestry Program, VA Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture. (Co-PI).
- Unit Profile Mapper (UPM) Design and Implementation, University of New Hampshire. 2017-2018. (PI).
- AmericaView Website Support and Hosting. AmericaView Inc, Department of the Interior. 2015-2017. (PI).
- StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Virginia, AmericaView Inc, Department of the Interior. 2013-2017. (Co-PI).
- Evaluating Tree Canopy Growth after Redevelopment in Falls Church City, Virginia Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture. Co-PI.
- Measures Phase III-Afforestation Prioritization Geoprocessing Service, InForest Port, and InForest Module Integration, VA Department of Forestry. (Co-PI).
- Management of Urban Trees to Meet Canopy Cover Goals: Falls Church Residential Landscape Plan Comparison, Tree Research & Education Endowment Fund. (Co-PI).
- Enhanced Urban Tree Canopy Mapper: Phase II, VA Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture. (PI).
- Extending Geospatial Technician Education for Virginia's Community Colleges. National Science Foundation, Maximum Amount: 2012-2016 (PI).
- Virginia Urban Tree Canopy Cover Implementation, VA Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture. 2012-2014. (Co-PI).
- Preliminary Sampling for Falls Church Residential Landscape Plan Comparison, VA Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture. 2012-2013. (Co-PI).
- Virginia Urban Tree Canopy Mapper, VA Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture. 2011-2012 (Co-PI).
- Urban assessment of select Virginia localities using i-tree eco, VA Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture.. (Co-PI).
- Urban Tree Canopy Assessments for Chesapeake Bay Localities-Luray, Waynesboro, Fort Royal, Newport News, & Portsmouth, VA Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture. 2010-2012. (PI).
- Urban
Tree Canopy Assessments for Chesapeake Bay Localities-Richmond,
Portsmouth & Newport News, Virginia Department of Forestry.
2010-2011. (PI).
- Assessing Municipal Street Trees in Virginia and Engaging Communities to Manage Invasive Tree Pests, Virginia Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture. 2010-2012. (Co-PI).
- Geospatial Extension Program Outreach, Various Funding Sources. 2010-2012. (PI).
- Ecosystem Services: Public Ifris, Virginia Department of Forestry. 2009-2010 (Co-PI).
- Urban Tree Canopy Assessments-Project #3 (Arlington), VA Department of Forestry. 2009-2010. (Co-PI).
- Urban Tree Canopy Assessments Using Multispectral Remote Sensing, VA Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture. 2009-2010 (Co-PI).
- Geospatial Technician Education through Virginia's Community Colleges (GTEVCC). National Science Foundation. 2009-2013 (PI).
- Virginia's Geospatial Extension Program. Virginia Tech Foundation Inc. 2008-2010. (PI).
- Geospatial Extension Program Professional Development Support. (2007 – 2010). Various Funding Sources. (PI).
- Urban Tree Canopy: Phase II, VA Department of Forestry. 2008-2009. (Co-PI).
- Sustainable Tourism Destination/Centerpiece Project for Floyd and Patrick Counties in Southwestern Virginia, National Park Service. 2008-2010. (Co-PI).
- The Virginia Bikeways Project. Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Virginia Department of Transportation. 2007 – 2008. (PI).
- The Virginia Metadata Training Program. Federal Geographic Data Committee. 2006 – 2008. (PI).]
- Using Mapping for a Meaningful Watershed Experience. (2004 – 2006). NOAA. (PI).
- City of Waynesboro GIS Needs Analysis. City of Waynesboro, VA 2004 -2005. (PI)
Virginia's Geospatial Extension Program workshops

Contact information:
John McGee
310 West Campus Drive,
MC 0324
307C Cheatham Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-2428
Our Coordinates:
37°13'25.80"N, 80°25'21.52"W